20 Habits That Will Totally Transform Your Productivity
乱成一锅粥的状态虽然可能对创意有点帮助,但是一个垃圾遍地的办公室肯定不利于你把事情做好。NeuroLeadership机构董事和《精彩2小时》的作家Josh Davis说:“人天生就会去注意不寻常的东西。”视线范围内的文件能够提醒你还有工作没完成,但是视线里如果有一本没有读完的书,就会让你忍不住去拖延手头的工作。即便你觉得你不会去在意这种乱糟糟的状态,但事实上它已经影响了你集中注意力的能力。《哈佛商业评论》的调查研究显示,办公室整洁的员工能够更好的持续工作,不容易感到挫败和疲惫,并且他们专注在一件事上的时间是别人的1.5倍。《哈佛商业评论》调研文章的合作撰写者、美国天普大学福克斯商学院的教授Grace Chae表示,“也许你很享受一团乱的状态,但是杂乱的环境真的是你完成工作的拦路虎。”无论你的日子过成什么样,每天都要拿出90分钟的时间来应对最重要的工作。90分钟不过是8小时工作时间的20%,哪怕你剩下的80%时间全部浪费,90分钟也足够帮助你向目标跨出一大步。你以为工作时间越长,就能完成更多的工作吗?2014年斯坦福大学教授John Pencavel的研究就指出,一战期间的劳动力测试数据表明49小时工作时间内,产出和时间成正比。但是工作70小时的产出和56小时的一样。也许你相信你在工作的时候不会去看手机,但是除非你关机,否则手机是让你注意力分散的主要因素。弗罗里达州大学发现即便手机振动时你不去看,振动的声音也会让你不自主地神游。如何一边等重要邮件一边认真工作?《不要让大众媒体影响你的工作》作家Alexandra Samuel有一个妙招。● 用Google搜索一个手机版的email转换到文本文件的软件。以Verizon为例,就是@vtext.com,如果你的手机号码是555-123-4567,你的邮箱地址就是5551234567@vtext.com.● 用这个邮箱设置你只接受某个特定地址发过来的文本版邮件,Outlook工具条里的邮件规则中也有这个功能。● 关闭你的收件箱认真工作,不要去理会电脑上收到的无关紧要的邮件,你在收到重要邮件的时候手机就会自动提醒你。
20 Habits That Will Totally Transform Your ProductivityPeople who manage to get a lot accomplished each day aren't superhuman; they've just mastered a few simple habits. Some may be easy to guess: Keep your desk organized and aim for around eight hours of sleep a night. But others, like taking a mid-day nap or complaining, might surprise you. Here are 20 easy ways to make every day more productive:Creativity may arise from chaos, but a litter-strewn office probably isn’t helping you get stuff done. Visible files remind you of unfinished tasks. An unread book is temptation for procrastination. People with neat offices are more persistent and less frustrated and weary, according to a recent study in Harvard Business Review, which found that a clean desk helps you stick with a task more than one and a half times longer. Even if you squander the remaining 80% of the day, you can still make great progress if you have spent 90 minutes on your goals or priorities.Output was proportionate to time worked—up to 49 hours. Beyond that, it rose at a decreasing rate, and those who put in 70 hours had the same productivity as someone who worked 56 hours.You might believe you’re ignoring your iPhone, but unless it’s fully turned off, it’s a major distraction. Even if you don’t look at your phone when it buzzes, the sound makes your mind wander.● Find the email-to-text format for your cell-phone provider with a quick Google search. Verizon, for example, is @vtext.com, so if your mobile number is 555-123-4567, your address is 5551234567@vtext.com.
● Using that address, set up your email so it forwards messages from a specific sender to your cell phone via text (in Outlook, find "Rules" in the "Tools" task bar).● Shut down your inbox and ignore your emails while focusing on more pressing tasks, knowing you’ll be alerted when the important message comes in.People are more efficient at things that come naturally, while tasks that feel like a struggle are likely to impede progress. If you can, delegate the duties that feel like an effort, and instead focus on "high value activities". Delegating your non–HVA activities also helps create community. After all, they could very well be someone else’s HVAs.